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Friday, May 20, 2011

By election woes

 I am apathetic to politicians. I hate Kenyan politics and loathe Kenya politicians even more than traffic!!( Which is to say a lot if you have experienced Nairobi traffic). As I stated in an earlier post, I work in the heart of a slum in Eastern Nairobi. It is located in a constituency known as Kamukunji.
 A few months ago, the sitting member of Parliament, a no good thug known as Simon Mbugua was declared to have been unduly elected as M.P and should vacate the office immediately. Few, if any people shed tears for Mr. Mbugua's exit. In the time he has held the office of M.P he has managed to set new lows even for Kenyan poitics.  He has been know to be a vehicle sales conman, dishing out doses of violence to journerlists  and even sent threating messages to a sitting high court Judge!!! I think even the powers that be all heaved a sigh of relief at his uncermonious exit.
 A by-election was then declared would be held to elect the 'right' person to the post. In a strange but welcome twist of fate 'Simo' as he is known is this parts was barred from participating in the nomination process and thus locked out of the election. It seemed like the election was going to redeem the people of Kamukunji from mediocre leadership finally.
 So what is the point of this long and possibly boring recap of Kamukunji politics? Well the clinic I work in is housed in a city council health centre and has in the past been used as both a polling station and as a tallying center during elections. Elections in Kenya tend to be a rather emotive issue and unrest is never too far off the agenda of voters and idlers.( this two groups of people tend to merge into one and making the distingtion between them is difficult if not impossible). As a result of the uncertainity of peace around elections, there was to be no work on Monday 23rd May to facilitate the exclusive use of the facility for election purposes. Anyone that is employed knows where this conversation is heading. Yap I was going to have a long weekend and an unplanned day off. (thats like christmas comming early)
 Can you imagine my utter disgust, when one hour ago the high court impossed an injunction on the entire election. Appatantly one candidate from the lesser parties felt hes constitiutional rights had been infringded upon somehow during the nomination process and that he needed justice done and done soon.
  So coming Monday, yours truely will truely be at work and all hopes of a long holiday have been effectivly dashed. I have decided to take a more pragmatic approach to the issue and instead of mourning the loss of a day off, immagine I have just postponed it to a time of the courts of laws' convinience!!

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